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Pastorale richtlijnen voor gebedshuizen

There are a lot of initiatives to found houses of prayer in Europe. Now a CCR-booklet is available about the pastoral issues a leadership-team needs to oversee when a house of prayer is founded in its region.

A House of Prayer (Mark 11,17)

Prayer Initiatives and Houses of Prayer

The national NSC of the German Charismatic Renewal has released a paper for those looking for new possibilities to foster prayer today – within prayer groups or initiatives of prayer and also the founding of Houses of Prayer. It offers inspiration and orientation in the tradition of the church. On the request of ICCRS this booklet has been translated into English.

From its beginnings the Charismatic Renewal was a community of prayer: A new love of prayer, both personal and community developed. In families, prayer groups and communities the wealth and variety of prayer have been rediscovered.

The Charismatic Renewal was newly endowed in recent years with a very old tradition, the tradition of constant prayer. All over the world, at very different places and with very different backgrounds, houses of prayer arose, with prayer around the clock on every day of the week, open day and night, 24/7, to praise and worship, to give thanks and intercede.

Houses of prayer with constant prayer, is a demanding program. Following Luke 14:28-30: You have to sit down and take account. Are there sufficient resources for the project? That means: Is there sufficient spiritual experience and expertise, enough “manpower?” The Spirit of God always gives in abundance, no question, but: Can we accomplish it and how?

This study guide will serve to answer these questions.

How to get this booklet

It is available for 3,00 € + postal charges on (click here).

You also can see and download it from:




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